
195月 - による conmo3 - 0 -

[handwritten date]: February 26, 1942

[letterhead]: Head of the Security Police and SD

IV B 4 - 1456/41 gRs 1344

Undersecretary of State Luther!

Foreign Office

Berlin W 8

Wilhemstr. 74/76

Dear Fellow Party Member [Parteigenosse] Luther!

Enclosed I am sending you the minutes of the proceedings that took place on January 20,1942. Since the basic position regarding the practical execution of the final solution of the Jewish question has fortunately been established by now, and since there is a full agreement on the part of all agencies involved. I would like to ask you at the request of the Reich Marshal to make one of your specialist officials available for the necessary discussion of details in connection with the completion of the draft that shows the organizational, technical and material prerequisites bearing on the actual starting point of the projected solutions.

I want to schedule the first discussion along these lines for 10:30 a.m. on March 6, 1942 at 116 Kurfürstenstrasse, Berlin. I therefore ask you that for this purpose your specialist official contact my functionary in charge there, SS-Obersturmbannführer Eichmann.

Heil Hitler!

[handwritten signature]:  Heydrich

1 enclosure [the Wannsee Protocol]